
George W. Bush Sweat:
- Commander of Last Minute Men. [GMIOGMD]
Glue-it Yourself network:
- Hosted by Martha Clue-it. From deep in the bowels of Elmer Town. [Boom
Dot Bust]
(Give me Immortality...):
- Give Me Immortality, Or Give Me Death. The name of the Firesign's 1998 CD.
Also refered to Radio Now.
- "She'll get you there" airline. With extra knee room for your extra
knee! [GMIOGMD]
- A series hosted by Bob HINDE. "Welcome to the
wonderful world of Snails and adventure as we board the Golden Hinde".
Based upon a TV show from the '50's. A guy and his wife and family
would travel all over the world, and then show the home movies they took,
with their narration. This has been quoted several times in MST3K.
The `Golden Hind' was the ship in which, in 1577-1580, Francis Drake
sailed around the world. Originally, the ship was named the `Pelican',
but while he was travelling, Drake changed the name in honor of
his patron, Sir Christopher Hatton. Hatton's crest was a golden
hind. (A "hind" is a sort of female deer, more specifically
a female three years or older; especially a female red deer.)
- A British comedy show from the 50's which had great
influence on the Firesign Theatre. They were British surrealists
comprised of Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe (Peter
Bergman worked for a while with Spike Milligan while in England).
A number of FT terms are references to Goon Shows:
Michael Packer writes:
Two FT pieces payed tribute to the
Goons; "The Giant Rat Of Sumatra" an "By The Light Of The
Silvery...". George L. Tirebiter's voice was lifted
directly from a Goon Show character. One of the "Unclaimed
Melodies" (The Spanish Suitcase) is the title of a Goon
script. Lastly, the phrase "It's great to be alive in
1985", originally from the Goon Show entitled "1985",
appeared in altered form on P & B's "TV Or Not TV".
Gospel Kareoki:
- "You wouldn't have any GROAT
CLUSTERS I could nibble on..." George Tirebiter
from "Dwarf",
and "Hot Dog, Groat Cakes
Again! Heavy on the 30 weight, Mom" Porgie Tirebiter from
"...Buckwheat is a broadleaf, herbaceous plant that flowers prolifically over a
period of several weeks. The small, white flower clusters quickly develop into
triangular brown seeds roughly the size of soybean seeds. The brown buckwheat
grains actually consist of a true seed (GROAT) surrounded by a thick hull.
Buckwheat is sometimes referred to as a pseudocereal because the grain is used
in ways similar to cereal grains such as oats, but it is not a true cereal crop
due to seed and plant type."
- It's in a Jar at the White House with Hillary's car keys. [GMIOGMD]
(also Quernica)
- Quernica/Guernica was a Spanish village used by the Nazis to demonstrate
high-altitude bombing during that "fake" Spanish war
thing in the late 30s (I think) that Hemmingway fought in. Something
like that...
- About the Picasso painting: There are so many similarities
between 1934 drawing and Guernica that it seems certain to be
an important but unknown precursor to Picasso's greatest painting.